Wednesday 19 March 2014

Ben Kane's Hannibal - Fields of Blood

Very good sequel and I'm looking forward to the next book. Hannibal comes across as a military genius which given what he accomplished has to be spot on. The central character, Hanno, is believable and not the super hero you might expect. There's just the right amount of reining him in and letting him make mistakes to make it more believable. The battles are terrific. Good read and better than his other books in my opinion.


  1. This does sound like an intriguing series. Too often, military geniuses aren't shown making mistakes. {Grin}

    Anne Elizabeth Baldwin

    1. Definitely his better series. It was Hanno making mistakes though and not Hannibal :)

    2. I see. I didn't realize Hanno and Hannibal were different characters. Their names were just close enough, I thought maybe one was a nickname. {Smile}

      It's still nice to have a character who's easy to sympathize with. A few mistakes go a long way there, especially if they aren't too earth-shattering. {GRIN}

      Anne Elizabeth Baldwin
