Thursday 28 November 2013

Love of History - historical novels versus fantasy

OK I admit that fantasy isn't the only genre I read. I also really enjoy historical fiction, which in a lot of novels bears a remarkable resemblance to fantasy. There's usually swords (unless it's later period history where it might even be guns!) and occasionally dragons - although that's usually reserved to superstition and fear (so no real dragons then...humph).

Reading historical fiction has given me a real love of history. I started off with Bernard Cornwell's books set in the Napoleonic period. These are fast paced books and a very lively plot. There's also some very neat twists as well. I nice feature is there's hundreds of his books (slight exaggeration!)

I love books about Rome and Romans. Simon Scarrow tells a lively tale (can you see a common theme?). Tales about Egypt are truly sword and sandal what's not to like. There's also gods to contend with, either real or imaginary.

Surprisingly I have started to gain interest in areas of history I never thought possible. That's certainly true of Napoleonic, but when you hear tales about outnumbered troops in desperate circumstances it can really make you blood boil. Good stuff.

1 comment:

  1. Sadly, I have never become enamored of history but I am glad that you are enjoying the books that you are reading!
