Friday 16 November 2012

An author's view of Yuma

Wow - what can I say? Suitcase lost at LA and work starts at 0520! That's to avoid the heat of the day which even in November is HOT. The desert is gorgeous in its own way and the sunrise this morning was spectacular. A real mackerel sky and I'm hoping the photo of it does it justice. Saw a coyote today but that was about the only wildlife as most sensible creatures hide from the sun and I can't blame them. Long flight back tomorrow, a real whirlwind tour. Then back to the US, Washington the week after next.


  1. Sorry to hear about the lost luggage. Hope the rest of the trip is less eventful! And...what photo?

  2. Just posted it Elf. Let me know what you think. Is ELF2059 a relative by any chance?

  3. Nope...not that I know of...a previous incarnation?

  4. Wow, 2060 reincarnations! Remarkable
