Sunday, 27 January 2019

Losing weight. What a con.

Been exercising all my life but have been putting weight on recently having switched from jogging too gym. I was told going to the gym doesn't lose you weight as it converts fat to muscle. Not sure how true that is but my experience is not good. I topped my heaviest yet despite twice a week at the gym including swimming. I spend 20 minutes on the cross trainer, then go on a circuit around the exercise room, followed by a 15 minute swim. Having put weight on I decided to try harder at the gym and to swim further. The next day I had added 2 lbs. Shocking.

I have now given up with the cross trainer and started running on the treadmill. Not sure if this will help. Perhaps getting heavier is an age thing or perhaps I have swallowed a micro black-hole. In any event, keep trying. Porky.

Anyone else struggling? Any tips?

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